I got a rejection notice for a short story I had submitted for an anthology. I know rejection notices are part of being a writer. However, I am still a little bummed. When I was younger I played sports mainly football. I know you win some and you lose some. The same goes with writing and rejection notices, you win some and you lose some.
However, winning some and losing some does not mean I have to like losing. I felt like, “Man! That sucks!” I was not really thrilled about why they rejected my story either, but to each his own. I am just going to keep plugging away and keep writing. I am having too much fun letting my imagination run free coming up with stuff to write.
To any writers who are reading this, I have a question. How do you handle a rejection? What did you feel when you have gotten one? How did you bounce back?
Hi Jacques!
I received my first rejection on my first full length novel from Tor...I think it was. I also tried Penguin and was rejected there. I took it well, filed them away, and called myself a real author after that, but to date that story remains unpublished. My goal by the end of the year is to revise it and get it out into the world with a higher level of erotic content. I think that's really my voice and the plot would benefit as it's a romance.
I will be honest though. Rejections still hurt, more so on my longer works. I sent one to a publisher that I have several books with and it was rejected with criticism notes--which I do take to heart and am grateful for. BUT...I cried for two days. Literally. I could blame it on hormones but that would be a lie. When I write the epic fantasy romance tales, I get really attached to them and when they get rejected I turn into a crybaby.
Embarrassing but true.
Keep plugging along. My writing teacher told me time and again to keep sending out my works, that they would eventually find a home.
Anastasia Rabiyah
Thanks Anastasia,
I am going to do the same. File the rejection away and call myself a real author. I read someplace you are not a real author until you have had a rejection from a publisher. :-)
Hi Jacques,
I don't write books or stories, just about my life and opinions on my blog, it's disappointing when I don't get comments or feedback. I feel like no one really cares. I guess that's okay, I write it for me but still...
I think the fact that you write and submit to publishers is great. Have you ever submitted to magazines? Keep your chin up!
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